Licensing In & Out
Increasingly, the corporate partnership or alliance has become the strategic linchpin for the healthcare industries. The costly and complex process of new product discovery and development requires the application of many diverse disciplines and technologies which often reside in multiple organizations.
Through the extensive hands-on experience of the principals and its advisors, the Sage Group understands the strategy as well as the art of the deal. Bringing companies together in the process of adding strategic competitive value is one our greatest service priorities.
As a Sage Group client recently said, "The Sage Group is kind of like an investment banker, but you do more than they do."
The Sage Group invests in understanding its client, the company's goals, assets, strengths, weaknesses and "personalities."
Sage matches these attributes with target companies where the goals of both can be achieved. Sage works closely in developing an offering document and presentation, and then works diligently to contact, explain, and screen target companies. Sage then arranges for meetings, and continues to update, encourage, and stimulate a small group of highly interested targets. This creates a healthy competitive environment within which Sage and the client's management, along with corporate counsel and other advisors, work to negotiate and consummate a transaction.