OraMelts Drug Delivery Platform: Opportunity for Leadership in IntraOral Drug Delivery

The Sage Group is representing Quest Consumer Health Holdings, the owner of the OraMelts manufacturing facility and patent portfolio, in their search for one or more partners with which it can collaborate to expand the applications of its unique and highly successful OraMelts oral adhesive disc drug delivery technology. Proprietary products using this technology are already sold in major US pharmacy chains in Europe and Australia.
The partnership may include an exclusive worldwide license to the OraMelts patents and know-how in the prescription pharmaceutical field and/or for a specific therapeutic focus.
The OraMelts technology offers convenient, sustained, hours-long delivery of drugs into the bloodstream via the buccal membrane in the oral cavity overnight and/or during the day avoiding first pass metabolic effects seen with orally delivered pills, capsules, and caplets. Quest holds IP and knowhow for variations of release time by use of a range of excipients.
Buccal administration can provide better bioavailability of some drugs and a more rapid onset of action compared to oral administration because the medication does not pass through the digestive system and thereby avoids first pass metabolism. Buccal drugs can:
· Get into the systemic circulation quickly
· Be used with patients who have trouble swallowing medication
· Be used when medication doesn’t absorb very well in the stomach
· Avoid drug action being decreased by digestion
· Deliver drugs while patients sleep
OraMelts adhering discs can also be used to time release ingredients into saliva such as fungicides, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, antivirals, or anti-cancer drugs to treat epithelium in the mouth or throat.
The Company has existing non-prescription products in market for dry mouth, mouth sores and other related syndromes. Quest’s present products use all-natural ingredients and its oral adhesive technology utilises GRAS components to endow long-lasting retention and release in the oral cavity.
The Company holds strong global patents supported by proprietary know-how and trade secrets.
Quest Products can also offer formulation and manufacturing support from its US facilities where historically it has produced more than 150 million tablets for its existing product range for dry mouth and mouth sores.
Please contact us at The Sage Group in Europe or USA:
Dr. Bill Mason (EU Corporate Office) wtm@sagehealthcare.com +44 7785 950134
Wayne Pambianchi (US Corporate Office) wpambianchi@sagehealthcare.com +1 908 2306170